As a Christian, I hesitate to call this self care. Our world has glorified and idolized self care. They’ve made it indulgent and even scandalous. It’s “all about me,” without concern for others. Likely involving wine, chocolate, and reality tv. If I’m being honest, it’s looked down upon in the Christian culture. Which I have to admit, I understand. Especially if that’s what you think of when you think of self care. As Christians, we are called to love others and put others first, not ourselves. And a self care obsession definitely doesn’t do this.
However. But. Wait a minute. Galatians 5:14 says “For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Now, I’m not trying to preach a sermon. But how are you supposed to love others if you don’t even know how to love yourself? If you don’t take care of yourself, build yourself up, like yourself!? How are you supposed to do that for others. (I’m preaching to myself here).
I’m not saying spend all your days laying on the couch, pampering yourself, ignoring your kids (lol). But what I am saying, is it’s okay to take a little time out of your day to do something you love. To bring a little joy into your life, to take care of yourself. AND. If you feel taken care of, you have more to offer others!
If I take time to put on a cute outfit in the morning/do my hair, I feel more confident. Which makes me more likely to compliment or smile and say hi to someone while I’m out and about running errands. If I feel ugly, there’s no way I’m doing anything to get people to notice me. Am I right?
So, here are ten fun and practical self care tips you can literally do in your house! For free! You don’t have to do them all in one day. Just start with one or two that bring you joy. I challenge you to do at least one a day for one week. And notice how it changes your attitude or improves your mood or makes you a nicer person!
1. Everything Shower
Tell me this isn’t a luxury. This is the deep clean. Washing your hair, exfoliating, maybe even doing a hair mask, shaving, making the bathroom all steamy. You know what I’m talking about. It’s definitely not something you have time for every day. Which makes it even more satisfying when you do. I personally don’t feel bad about these when the time comes becauses I make up for it with shorter showers all the other days haha. You have to wash your hair sometime lol.

2. Yummy Treat
I make the whole recipe of a dessert (instead of a one serving dessert) I love and store it in my freezer! This way I can easily satisfy my sweet tooth without having to think about what I should make, get all the ingredients out, and by the time it’s ready, it’s bedtime. Set yourself up for success and have some of your favorite snacks on hand! Here are five of my most favorite clean ingredient dessert recipes, all freezer friendly (and honestly freezer preferred).

3. Time With Jesus
This is the best self care you can do honestly. I’m just a kinder, more thoughtful, overall better person when I spend time with Jesus. I feel happier, more secure, and more content. And feel like I am able to think more about other people. Obviously it doesn’t make me perfect, but it’s just a win win for everyone involved.

4. Go for a Walk
Does anyone else feel like walking makes everything better? I do. If I’m grumpy, taking a little (or long depending how grumpy lol) walk is the best reset. Even if you take a kid or 5 with you, it can still be self care!

5. Rearrange/Redecorate
Sometimes you just need to rearrange. Move the furniture around. Put your decorations in new places. Use the reversible side to your comforter. Put new pictures in your frames. It’s so fun to see a space transform just by moving a chair from one corner to another. This will for sure get your creative juices flowing!

6. Fun Drink
When it’s hot out, make yourself a smoothie, iced coffee, adrenal cocktail (recipe here). Add lemon or peach balsamic vinegar to sparkling water (or sparkling coconut water) – it’s the best pick me up. In the winter, make yourself a latte, hot tea, or bone broth hot chocolate (recipe here).

7. Workout/Yoga
I genuinely feel so much better about myself when I workout. Starting my day off moving my body is a quick win early in my day. I try to finish before Miles is awake, but if not, he can do it with me! That’s the beauty of them. It’s definitely a different experience when he’s awake (with a lot more interruptions), but it’s still time I get to move my body. I think it’s good for our kids to see us prioritizing taking care of our bodies.
If you don’t enjoy working out, yoga!! When I’ve been cooped up all day, I love yoga. It’s so refreshing, and can honestly be a good workout. I often do it while Miles is playing with his toys, I’ll just hangout next to him and stretch. You can find a 10 minute video (this one is my fav) on YouTube, or just stretch however you want!

8. Read a Book
I love reading! And I only read when I feel like I have everything else I could possibly need to do, done (so basically never). I do read before bed most nights lol. But to read during the day feels like a luxury. Find a cozy spot, grab a blanket, a yummy drink, and read! One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to read outside on a blanket WHILE getting a suntan. You could go historical fiction (this is a fav), based on a true story (this whole series), or a self help book (10/10 recommend this one) if you need to feel like you’re learning something. Or, just go all in with your fav genre – whatever fills your cup!

9. Invite a Friend Over
Okay so yes to playdates. Sometimes you just need to talk to a grown up during the day. And since you and your kids will be hanging out anyways, you might as well invite a friend over to join the fun! Whenever there are other kids around, Miles is so entertained (free babysitters). I also just love socializing him and getting him used to being around other kids! So a play date is really fun for mom AND the kids. It’s a win win.

10. New Hobby
Knitting, running, flower arranging, cake decorating, cross country skiing, rollerblading, gardening, the options are endless! I feel like as moms, our kids become our hobby. Which is an amazing hobby, don’t get me wrong. But if that’s the only thing we care about, we start to depend on them for our happiness. And then what will we do when they grow up? As obsessed as I am with Miles, I find so much value in enjoying my own things – blogging for example. It’s my little outlet. I do it during his naps or when he goes to bed. And then when he wakes up, I feel refreshed, creative, and excited to mom again!

Final Thoughts
That’s all I have for you. While I consider all of these to be “self care” I also feel like they are very practical and many of them productive! So please, don’t feel bad about taking care of yourself! You are beautiful, worthy, and deeply loved by our Heavenly Father. He created you and is so proud of you.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 – “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” I truly believe that we are called to take care of our bodies – inside and out. And, being nice to ourselves will empower us to be nice to others!
I’m here for all of your self care ideas! Please comment your favorite things that make YOU feel cared for. I would love to hear your thoughts on my list! Have you done any of them? Which ones?
For more thoughts on motherhood, check out these posts here!
5 Things you Must Know your First Year of Motherhood
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