I rarely make New Year’s resolutions. I’m afraid I’ll fail. I don’t like saying I’m going to do something and then not doing it. I also don’t know how I’m going to feel half way through the year and if I’ll still even want to do whatever I said I would do. But I’ll feel like I have to do it because I said I would. Anyone else?? So instead, I just try to “be better” every January haha. I sometimes have ideas or goals that I don’t write down. But that’s the extent of it. For some reason though, this year feels different. Maybe it’s being a mom. Maybe it’s maturity. Maybe it’s being married to my goal-oriented husband. Whatever the reason, I’m in the New Year’s resolution making spirit this year.
So, on New Years Day, my husband and I had a little afternoon coffee shop date to set our 2025 goals. It was genuinely SO FUN. And life giving. We divided our goals into five different categories: spiritual, health, relationships, wealth, and learn. And then talked about what we want to start doing, stop doing, and keep doing for each category. Each category also has subcategories for organization purposes yadayada. I’m so excited to share them with you! And if I fail, or change my mind about them, I’ll just go back to my internal goals next year haha.

1. Spiritual
Okay there’s a million things I could improve on in this area. Pray more, be more bold in sharing my faith, stop swearing (jk jk I have this one covered haha). I ultimately want to know God more and go deeper with Him. So here are some practical things I wrote down.
I want to memorize one (or 2 consecutive) verse a month. So 12 verses for the year. That feels very doable. “Jesus wept” is the first one on my list (jk haha). I do have some verses memorized from forever ago, but not nearly enough. And scripture is the most powerful weapon God gave us to fight our spiritual battles with. So it feels like a must honestly.
I want to pray for one person a day (other than myself). My prayers so quickly become about me and my “needs.” So I feel like this is a practical way to take the attention off myself and put it on others.
I want to play worship music in the house and car. And not to be afraid to enter into worship while I’m doing laundry. Or whatever task. I used to listen to worship music ALL the time, but then I discovered podcasts. An obsession. I’m not saying no more podcasts for myself, but maybe less. Especially when Miles is awake. I want worship to be such a normal, natural thing for myself and for him. I know being around worship music regularly will support that. I’m already excited.

2. Health
One new workout video/routine a week. I already am very disciplined about getting my workout in at least 4x a week (a little pat on the back for me). But I want to change my mindset about it. I have a couple workouts I know I like and pretty much stick to those. If I do something that’s technically a workout but I don’t feel tired or sore, I don’t feel like it counts. So I want to be more creative in my workouts. And less rigid.
I want to try two new recipes a month!! I have a good list of dinners I do regularly because we like them and I know how to make them, but I’m ready to mix it up. Nick is here for this too haha.
No screen time after 10 pm. I already failed at this, but I’m still going to try. Why is it so hard to put away screens at night time?! I have time limits set on all of my apps starting 10 pm, so I shouldn’t be able to do anything fun on my phone anyways. But Nick has my password so I just give him a kiss and he’ll type it in haha. I also haven’t blocked off Amazon. Maybe that’s why we get so many packages lol.
Okay also really quick along with wellness! Nick suggested quarterly massages and I said UM YES. Very here for this.

3. Relational
Honestly I just want to be an all around better mom. But don’t worry I know, be specific. I want to read Miles at least one book a day. I don’t want to be on my phone when I’m with Miles. I already (mostly) do this, but I’m writing it down so I keep doing it. Also he’s one now, should I be teaching him things? Math? Science? I’ll stick with colors for now haha. But definitely teach him things.
I’m officially planning one girls night a month (minimum) and having a set date for it so the girls have it in their calendars. I just love girl time. AND Nick is very excited about his dad son time with Miles during that time. So all around yay.
Monthly mentorship. I have a mentor and I love her SO much. However, I don’t have a set meeting time with her. I pretty much just call her when I have a conflict or need advice. I always leave our conversations encouraged and wanting to be a better person. So we’re setting up monthly meetings and I’m so excited.
As I was typing this out I realized me and Nick hadn’t set any marriage goals!!! The most important relationship!! (Besides Jesus). So we fixed that. Our goal is monthly date nights. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but we’re blocking off one day a month to have FOR SURE. And then definitely not opposed to adding more as we go.

4. Wealth
Okay let’s be honest, Nick is the main person making goals in this category. Which I’m honestly so thankful for. Do not sign me up for a 9-5. I like my flexible hours and not having a boss. (Sometimes Miles is my boss). However, I do have some goals!
I really want to have 10,000 monthly viewers for my blog!! So I plan to share a new blog post every week on Wednesday’s! And post on Pinterest twice a day to encourage more blog traffic. I also want you to know how much I appreciate YOUR support reading my blog, it genuinely warms my heart to hear from you.
We do have some generosity goals which are more personal. I have a hard time letting go of control/holding onto every penny (because why would you spend when you can save) haha. So these generosity goals are harder for me than for Nick. But I’m excited for them.

5. Learning
My friend Melissa Hughes has a podcast on Spotify called She Can Share and it is so motivating. I want to listen every week. She talks about sharing your faith, being an entrepreneur, and being a mom. All areas I want to improve in. Every time I listen I feel so encouraged. I’ll link it here so you can listen too!
I want to read 15 books this year!! Last year I read 13 so it doesn’t feel too crazy. Sticking to my no screen time after 10pm will also help me accomplish this. Comment all your fav books so I can add them to my list! (If you want a list of pregnancy books I read and love, click here!)

Final Thoughts
I went hard. And I didn’t even write all of them because I didn’t want you to get bored haha. Maybe this is why I don’t set goals. Once I start I can’t stop. But I do feel like they’re measurable and attainable goals. And I feel motivated. So even if I don’t accomplish all of them, I will likely be a better person than I am now. Which is the goal really. My husband says “if you aim for nothing, that’s exactly what you’ll hit”. Frameable haha.
I hope my list inspires you! I hope you feel motivated and encouraged to set your own New Year’s Resolutions! (Whether you write them down or not). It’s not too late! I would LOVE to hear some of the goals you set for 2025, AND your thoughts on my list of goals!
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