A list of everything you should (and shouldn’t) pack in your hospital bag
The infamous hospital bag. Once I hit my third trimester it felt like everyone was asking if I had my hospital bag packed yet (I didn’t). Even my husband Nick was talking about it weeks before our due date. I just didn’t know what I would want/need when I was actually in labor (first time and all).
If you read my “Weekend Getaway with a Baby Under One” blog post, you know I don’t like to overpack. I wanted to be strategic with what I put in my bag, but obviously didn’t want to forget anything. Me and Nick brought one roller suitcase to pack all of ours and Miles’ things in. (The rollers were very nice for hauling it around.) I’ve compiled a (very) detailed list of what I packed in my roller bag – with commentary on what I actually used and what I didn’t. The hospital also provides SO many things for you, so I have some tea on that as well.
Hospital Bag Checklist
Important Documents
- Birth plan – We packed 3 copies of our birth plan so we could hang one up in our room AND hand it out to our nurses. I arrived at the hospital dilated to a 10, so we didn’t have a chance to give it to the nurses until after birth. But, it had all of my postpartum requests on there as well so was very helpful! We also had given our birth plan to our midwife at a previous prenatal appointment! So she already knew the type of birth we wanted.
- Drivers license – for checking in to the hospital
- Health insurance card – for checking in to the hospital
- Button up pjs/robe – I brought the robe I wore getting ready for my sisters wedding (because what else do you actually use those for) and it was perfect! Especially if you’re breastfeeding, it’s nice for easy access, but also the ability to cover up for visitors. When you’re just figuring nursing out, the last thing you want is a complicated shirt to access your milk supply.
- Fuzzy socks and slippers -Contrary to popular opinion I do not like the grippys on socks. So I brought my own comfy fuzzy socks. Slippers are also nice for moving around your room or going for a little walk in the hospital (keeps your fuzzy socks clean too).
- Pillow and blanket – Your own pillow and blanket just make the hospital bed a little more homey and comfy. It can be hard sleeping in a new environment, so these definitely helped me sleep. They do provide both of these things for you if you don’t want to bring your own!
- Nipple Cream – This is a must. I put nipple cream on after every time I nursed Miles. Especially if this is your first baby, your nipples will probably be very tender (because they aren’t used to being sucked on every 1-2 hours). This was a life saver. I used Earth Mama Nipple Butter. It has clean ingredients, smells nice (the smell still takes me back to when Miles was first born), and worked!
- Toiletries – I can’t lie to you, I didn’t brush my teeth the entire time I was in the hospital (which was only for one night, but still). I did pack a hair brush and hair ties, a toothbrush and toothpaste, my rock deodorant, and chapstick. I didn’t pack makeup because we were planning to take our announcement pictures when we got home. (I also could barely walk to go to the bathroom so putting makeup on was the last thing on my mind lol). But definitely pack it if you want it for pictures!
- Shower shoes – I feel like after going through labor, germs were the last thing on my mind. I took a shower and totally forgot to put on my shower shoes. I had every intention to use them, maybe next time lol.
- Comfy going home outfit – Emphasis on comfy. I wore the hospital underwear they provide for you, loose sweatpants, and a zip up sweatshirt.
- Snacks – I just packed my favorite everyday snacks! I pre-made energy bites which were so convenient and yum. I also brought apples and peanut butter (yes I brought the whole jar) and dark chocolate. The hospital lets you order whatever you want since you just gave birth and are nursing. (And you deserve whatever you want). But it was nice to have some things I for sure knew I would like too.
- Ibuprofen/stool softener – They obviously have this at the hospital, but literally charge you $30 per pill. I didn’t bring any of these to my first birth, but next time I’m totally bringing my own. (I googled it and it’s allowed, but you can also check with your hospital and see if it’s okay).
- Toiletries – Just bring the basics. Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair products, etc.
- Bathing suit and shower shoes – I had Nick bring these in case I labored in the shower or bath and wanted his support! Husbands also may be more aware of germs than you are (bc birth) so Nick was glad he had his shower shoes.
- Phone charger with extra long cord – This was SO nice. Nick was the one communicating with everyone, so we definitely wanted his phone to be charged up and easily accessible.
- Laptop/book/entertainment for husband – I definitely think entertainment will be nice to have! (Whether you end up laboring in the hospital for hours or have complications that require extended hospital stay.) Since I arrived at the hospital ready to push, Nick didn’t need much entertainment. We only stayed for one night! So between the nurses checking on us, trying to catch some z’s, and Miles, Nick had all the entertainment he needed.
- Snacks and water bottle – I had Nick pick out some of his favorite snacks to bring which included gummy bears, Reese’s peanut butter cups, and popcorn. Also beef jerky (because protein). It was nice for him to have his water bottle in case the nurses forgot about him. But mostly they were very nice and would bring both of us water when they brought me water! Also pro tip: since they let the moms order 2 entrees, we would order a meal for me and for Nick whenever I called in my order so he ate for “free” too.
- 2 changes of clothes – We weren’t sure how long we’d be in the hospital and there’s just something about fresh clothes that makes you feel better about your life.
- Pillow/bedding – Depending on what room you get at the hospital, your husband may have a reclining chair, couch, or cot. Either way, not the most comfy thing he’s ever slept on. I would definitely recommend bringing some comfy blankets and his own pillow for hope at some sleep.
- Swaddle blankets – We just kept Miles naked (except his diaper) and wrapped up in a swaddle. He felt secure AND it made him easy access for skin-to-skin.
- Going home outfit – I packed a newborn outfit and a 0-3 month outfit because I wasn’t sure what would fit! You just never know how big they’ll be and obviously want them to have a cutie outfit for the car ride home.
- Hat – When they discharge you and babe has to venture into the outside world (especially if it’s winter), we want them to stay cozy.
- Carseat – Technically this is in your car not your hospital bag, but that would be a sad thing to forget.
Things the Hospital Provides
The hospital provides you with a little cart with drawers full of all the magical things you need postpartum, and we took full advantage. They will even send you home with a bag full of them. We happened to be discharging right after a shift change, so we asked both our old and new nurses to make us a going home bag – we were stocked.
- Giant pads/disposable underwear – the hospital will keep you stocked with these so you don’t need to worry about bringing your own!
- Padsicles (ice pack pads) – These were the actual best. They were disposable and so soothing. I would just change mine every time I went to the bathroom.
- Gown – If you don’t want to get your clothes all “birthy,” you can labor and give birth in the gown they provide! This was my plan, but you know, no time for changing clothes when you’re pushing a baby out in the lobby. (I do still have and wear the tank top I was wearing when I gave birth, tmi?)
- Diapers and wipes for babe – The hospital definitely doesn’t care if the diapers and wipes are made with “clean ingredients.” However, we were okay using them just while we were in the hospital. It was one less thing to pack in our hospital bag (which we love). If you aren’t worried about that though, stock up in your take home bag!
- Lanolin (nipple cream) – I brought my own (bc organic), but still nice to know they have some!
- Swaddle blanket/hat/clothes for babe – Obviously not as cute as yours, but they have you covered.
- Formula – If you aren’t producing enough milk or aren’t planning to breastfeed, they have formula for you to use while you’re there!
- Blankets and pillows – again, not the most comfy, but definitely work.
Okay, I think that’s everything. A very long list, but I wanted to make sure to give you all the details. Everyone has different priorities and preferences so take what you like and leave what you don’t! I hope this helps you pack a hospital bag you feel confident in. Comment below your favorite thing you had in your hospital bag! I’d also love your thoughts on my list and if you would add anything. Check out my list of must have post partum products here.
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