Pelvic floor therapy is the therapy you didn’t know you needed. I 10/10 recommend every woman see a pelvic floor therapist at least once. It is not often talked about (maybe taboo) but it’s so helpful! It’s so much more than just doing kegels at home (which honestly could be hurting you more than helping). Many of you may not have heard of pelvic floor therapy, so I’ll give you a rundown.
What is a pelvic floor?
To start, our pelvic floor muscles “function together like a hammock across the pelvis and attach from the pubic bone in the front to the tailbone in the back,” according to the Mayo Clinic. These muscles have 4 main functions, also according to the Mayo Clinic, which include “1. Support pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, prostate, and rectum. 2. Stabilize the pelvis and spine. 3. Assist with sexual function. 4. Support bowel and bladder control.” So basically they’re a really big deal and affect a lot more than just having a baby (which is what I feel like most people think of them).
What is pelvic floor therapy?
Pelvic floor therapy is an assessment of your “hips, spine, bony pelvis, and pelvic floor muscles” and a personalized game plan for you to get them functioning properly (Mayo Clinic). Just to set your expectations, you meet with your therapist in a private room and they assess you externally and internally (if you’re comfortable). Your therapy may include at home exercises and/or follow up appointments for the therapist to work with you both externally and internally on your pelvic floor.
My experience
Pelvic floor therapy essentially helped me progress from not being able to use a tampon without pain to pushing a 7 lb 3 oz baby out of me. Kind of a big deal. I started going to therapy when I was engaged to be married, and have continued to go throughout marriage, pregnancy, and postpartum. I was so scared to give birth (which is bad because stress causes tension in your body and then you can’t progress and then labor is harder, it’s a whole thing) and it gave me confidence that I could do it! Putting in the time and work (at the Doctor’s office and at home) allowed me to see tangible progress, which gave me the confidence I needed for birth.

How do I find a pelvic floor therapist?
Most pelvic floor therapists do require a referral. Your OBGYN or Primary Care Doctor can refer you to one. You should be picky about your therapist! It’s a very vulnerable experience, so you want to like them, trust them, and feel totally comfortable with them. I’ve seen three different therapists in my experience. The first one moved, the second one I didn’t love, and the third one I’m sticking with because she’s the best. All that to say, don’t give up if you go once and hate it. Try again or ask for a new referral to a different therapist because it’s worth it! Also, depending on your insurance, it may be covered!
Who should get pelvic floor therapy?
I really believe every woman should try pelvic floor therapy. Even if you don’t think you “need” it, getting checked out will at least make sure your pelvic floor (along with the many bodily functions it affects) is functioning properly. Whatever life stage you’re in. Whether you don’t think you’ll ever have a baby or it’s been years since you’ve had a baby, it’s beneficial. So many women live with pain during sex or pee a little while doing jumping jacks, but you don’t have to!
Pelvic floor therapy isn’t talked about enough – whether people are embarrassed to talk about it or just haven’t heard of it. I want to normalize it for you! It’s been so impactful to my life so I felt compelled to share. If you have questions or thoughts on pelvic floor therapy, I’m here for them!! Comment below or if it’s personal, feel free to send me an email! Check out my birth story here for proof pelvic floor therapy worked for me!

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