Winter is no joke. It’s cold. Gloomy. And sometimes it just feels like there’s nothing to do. Especially if you have kids. With so much energy and so little room to run around. So, having fun activities to look forward to in your day are a MUST. Activities that are free, fun, and practical. I made this list for you, and for me, so we can refer to it when we’re bored on these long winter days.

1. Library
This is my personal favorite place to go with my son, Miles. They have story time, sing and dance time, crafts. And if there isn’t an organized event going on, the play area, the books, the open space. Miles LOVES the library. He could stay there all day. And bonus for moms, you can check out a book or two AND get some social interaction. I often meet a friend there or honestly just chat with other moms there. It’s fun for everyone involved.
Another amazing perk of the library is their experience rentals! You can “borrow” a day pass to the zoo, museum, Fredrick Meijer Gardens! You can use one per year per place, but it’s such a fun way to try out a new place for free!
2. The Mall
There is so much more than shopping to be done at the mall. The carousel, the play area, the walking, the escalators. Endless opportunity. We start with pushing Miles in the stroller (my walk time), then when he gets bored I let him get out of the stroller and go at his pace (his walk time). He’s so entertained by all the people. We make our way to the play area which I let him play at if he’s interested. I feel like he’s a little young for it yet so I end up following him around to defend him from the running kids haha. We also inevitably pass the carousel. Which he generally is very entertained to just watch. But I obviously have to let him ride it sometimes. Dicks is his favorite store. They have escalators. Which he honestly would go up and down all day. They also have a little golf green set up with clubs and balls and he loves to run around on it with the clubs (lol). And not to overwhelm you, but there’s also the shoe stores, Barnes and Noble (they have toys!), the Toy Store, etc., etc.

3. Play Date
Invite a friend and their kid(s) over! No need to deep clean. Your mom friends will understand. It’s so refreshing to have adult conversations to mix up the day! Also, Miles loves hanging out with other kids. And I love the social interaction for him. A win win win.

4. Costco
Costco has so much to offer. Truly. It’s an event. Just the samples are worth going for (no hangry kids here). But they also have groceries, people watching, clothes. So many isles full of honestly everything. Giant carts so you can fit multiple kids in it. Costco is big enough that when you walk around the entire store you’ve gotten some good steps in. You’ll probably work up an appetite, so you can end your trip with the food court! It’s so yum. Large servings sizes. Cheap. My 14 month old son, Miles, now says “Costco” in excitement every time we go. It’s the cutest.

5. Thrifting
Okay thrifting is fun for the whole fam. There’s something there for everyone. I love it for home decor/clothes. My husband, Nick, loves it for books and football cards. And Miles always finds the kids section with all the fun toys! He honestly has so much fun playing with all the new (to him) toys. And, since it’s a thrift store, I don’t feel too bad letting him bang some toys together. Don’t worry, we always pick up when he’s done.
6. Bake
I understand why baking can be intimidating with kids – because messy. But Miles (who’s only 14 months old) LOVES helping me cook/bake. He always wants to stir or help me pour things into the bowl. It’s so precious. And hear me out. It may be messy and take you a little longer now, but if they learn to love it, soon they’ll be cooking/baking FOR YOU! Strategic. But also, baking with your kids is such good bonding. And if you’re looking to pass time, this will! And you get to have a yummy treat for your husband when he comes home from work.
7. Visit Family/Friends
Grandparents, aunties, sisters, great grandparents. Or if you don’t have family nearby, visit a friend!! My grandparents LOVE when we stop over. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes. And they’re pretty much always home so we can be spontaneous when we go. It’s the best. You can even bring some of the baked goods you made with your kids for them. It’s a fun way for you to have some adult conversations. AND for all of you to get some quality time with your fam.
8. Bundle Up and Embrace Winter
Play outside! Build a snowman, pull your kids on the sled, throw snowballs. Go for a walk! I bundle Miles in his snowsuit, a ski mask hat, and his warm fuzzy blanket and he’s here for all the outside activities. It’s so refreshing to breathe in the fresh air. And helps keep you and your kids’ circadian rhythm on track. Also, how fun to come back inside to warm up with some hot chocolate (nourishing recipe here) and marshmallows.

9. Petsmart
I took Miles to Petsmart and he LOVED it. There are fish, birds, cats, usually a bunny or hamster. They groom dogs there so we watched them do that for a while too! Miles was even entertained just to wander up and down the isles full of toys and various pet items. Since it’s pet friendly, it’s likely dog owners will come in with their dog (or whatever pet they have) which only adds to the fun. Petsmart is especially convenient if you don’t have any pets. Your kids can have a little taste of them without mom actually having to take care of them.
10. Gymnastics
Find an open gym near you! We found a place that does an open gym once a week for kids under 5 to play! (I believe they have other open gym times for older kids as well). It’s an amazing way to get some of their energy out! Truly. It’s generally full of moms (some dads) and their kids, so it’s a great way to make some friends with people in the same life stage as you! This is my only not free suggestion (ours is $5). However, you can totally improvise with some stretching/dancing in your house! Free and fun.
Okay that’s all I have for you! I hope you feel inspired to try some new activities with your kids this winter! These are (alost) all free ideas but still so much fun! And can be a great way to mix up your day. I would LOVE to hear your favorite winter activities to do with your kids! Comment your ideas below! I’d also love to hear your thoughts on my ideas!
Just a little note of encouragement – summer is coming! And the sun will come out again. And you will get your Vitamin D from the sun instead of your Vitamin D supplements. Yay.
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